Probably Smart, Definitely Stupid

South Carolina, USA

August 27, 2000

About Me

Hi! I'm Sarah. I'm Queer. I make stuff.


Kingdom Hearts Games Friends Food Movies Books Romantisy Horror The Red Thread Creep Cast Design Art Music

March 27, 2025 4:17PM

Hello Philly

Last year I travelled to Philadelphia, PA for a Mitski concert. It was the first time I had ever traveled by myself, and I loved it so much. I ate good food, and I got to listen to good music. I saw the remains of the President's House, and I got to see the Liberty Bell. And it was awesome to get to walk into the room that the Declaration of Independence was signed. Such an import place in American history.

If it isn't obvious yet, I am an American lol, and my ancestry is everything I think the founding fathers were hoping for. A true melting pot. On my mother's side, we've traced our lineage to ancestors that fought in the French and Indian War under Washington, and we even have copies of lease agreements from where they rented land from him. On my dad's side; however, he's first generation. He came over here from Ireland in '79 because his mom's cousin was run out of the country by either the ULF or IRA (I don't remember which one), and she didn't want her boys involved in anything like that. It's a story for another time, but my dad spent the first twelve years of his life in a Christian Mission that was slowly on it's way into becoming a cult.

Anyway, all of that to say, that while our current history might be frought with strife as it seems we are pitted against each other more and more, it's so cool to realize that I am the product of achieving the American Dream.


March 23, 2025 12:21AM
Written August 12, 2023

The Narcissus Martyr

Let there never be doubt
That I Love my brother
But also never doubt
The Narcissus Martyr
Who is meant to love us equal-
Holds him in higher regard
For the simple priviledge
Of having been born with a sword

March 22, 2025 11:41PM

I love you Tetsuya Nomura

I might be near broke, but it is the Steam Weekend Publisher Sale for Square Enix, and if there is one thing that you need to know about me it is that I will shell out all of my money for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. It's actually an issue. I am very seriously looking at a graded black label copy of Kingdom Hearts 2 on ebay to add to my collection.

March 20, 2025 11:51PM


I did the very typical mental breakdown thing and decided that I wanted to cut my hair. I wanted short and fluffy. I wanted Timothee Chalamet. I wanted Luke Skywalker in A New Hope.

A little aside about my hair. It is very thick, but the texture itself is very fine and stick straight. This is not conducive to fluffy hair.

Instead of cutting it how I normally do, I chopped it all off at my chin and now I look like Edna Mode. I am actually sobbing.

March 20, 2025 2:11AM


I am going to bless you all with the beauty that is my dog Eva. She is my soul dog and I love her so much.

Eva came to me in a time when I was very upset about losing a kitten I had adopted named Scoob. Scoob was the runt of her litter and had a lot of things wrong with her, and sadly she just was not mean to be in this world for long. I missed her very much even though she was only in my life for a week before I had to do was best for her and have her put to sleep. I firmly believe that our pets stay with us, and Scoob knowing how much I needed somebody sent me Eva.

I was never much of a dog person before Eva. I grew up with cats, and currently I have four of them (I'll make them all their own posts soon), but Eva is so special. She's the best dog ever. She's so sweet, and I know that she would keep me safe. She's attached to my hip 24/7, and I don't mind because I would take her with me everywhere if I could. She doesn't like to play fetch, she likes to play keepaway. She loves to be snuggly and warm that in the winter before she ever goes outside, she waits for me (or her MomMom or PopPop) to put on her sweater. She talks in her sleep and to her reflection in the window. I don't know what I would do without her.


March 20, 2025 12:50AM
Written June 15, 2023


Isn't it so strange? That
Once you held my heart, But
Now are victim to my sonder

March 19, 2025 3:43AM


Hi guys! I'm Sarah, and if any of you glanced at the time this was posted, it is the wee hours of the morning for me. My ADHD got the best of me, and I have been sitting here editing the code for this website for literal hours now. Thankfully, web design is what I happen to do as a job, so it's not so bad I guess.

A little bit about me. I have a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design, and I went back to college (because I must hate myself) to get an associates in Programming - I'm turning into a code monkey or a script kitty. Not sure which yet. Some of my favorite things are Kingdom Hearts, A Court of Thorns and Roses (I know I know), Minecraft, Horror, Reading, Gaming, Movies, Good Food, and all kinds of other things. Sundays are the best days because that's when Creep Cast get's posted. Hunter and Isaiah are the only thing keeping me going right now.

Anyway! I'm going to use this site as a journal pretty much. I'm going to post my poems, some of my thoughts, maybe some of my art. There's a chatbox down below for y'all to leave comments, and over to the right is a place to find all of my socials! I even included a link to my AO3 account, because I must be insane. I'd love to have conversations with anyone who is willing to start one. Talk Soon!



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